Mike Cron
Mike Cron
  • Title:
    Women's Golf Assistant Coach


Meet Michael Crone, an accomplished and dedicated coach whose lifelong passion for athletics and coaching has left an indelible mark on the sports landscape. With a 

multifaceted background in various sports, including an extensive 15-plus years of coaching basketball at the middle school and high school levels, Michael's journey led him to the realm of golf, where he found a unique and fulfilling path.

His coaching journey in golf began alongside his daughter, who is now an athlete at Moorpark—a testament to the deep familial bonds and shared passion for the sport. Michael's transition from retirement to becoming the Assistant Women's Golf Coach was a seamless one, as Head Coach Chuck recognized his expertise and dedication, inviting him to join the team.

For Michael, coaching and teaching go hand in hand, far beyond the confines of the playing field. He believes in nurturing holistic growth in students, transcending the technical aspects of the game. In his coaching philosophy, fostering better individuals, teammates, and students is equally vital. Holding players accountable for their actions and perspectives forms the cornerstone of his coaching approach.

Among his proudest accomplishments, Michael recalls winning a county championship in his second year of coaching basketball—a testament to his adept leadership and strategic prowess. Witnessing his players' journeys to higher education and success in both sports and academics, and maintaining lifelong connections with past players, are moments that truly resonate with him.

Michael's commitment to fostering a sense of community shines through in his coaching style. He emphasizes the importance of positivity, ensuring that players engage with teammates, opponents, and everyone they encounter with respect and camaraderie. With an unwavering dedication to holistic growth and character development, Michael Crone's impact reaches far beyond the golf course, touching the lives of those he coaches in profound ways.